Enjoy an evening steam hauled train ride, sausage & mash supper & live Jazz, plus your first pint on us!

A wide choice of Real Ales will be available at Sheffield Park & Horsted Keynes stations and also on board the train throughout the evening.

Travel from either East Grinstead stations (6.55pm departure) or Horsted Keynes (7.20pm departure) to Sheffield Park, where your sausage & mash supper will be served in the Bessemer Arms on Platform 1.

After your meal, take the train again to Horsted Keynes (departing approx 8.35pm) to enjoy the music from our live Jazz band.

Your return train will then depart from Horsted Keynes (9.50pm) and travel to East Grinstead (arriving at 10.15pm)* and then back to Horsted Keynes (10.55pm).


Please keep checking back as these will be available soon!