
Our postal address

Bluebell Railway
Sheffield Park Station
East Sussex
TN22 3QL

The above postal address can be used for Customer Services, Bluebell Railway Preservation Society (BRPS) (Registered in England, Company No. 13745313), The Bluebell Railway Trust (Registered Charity No. 292497), Bluebell Railway Museum, Bluebell Railway plc, Bluebell Railway Catering and the Shop.


Customer services

General enquiries

Email: enquiries@bluebell-railway.com
Phone: 01825 720800

Group bookings

Email: grouptravel@bluebell-railway.com

Bluebell Railway Shop

Email: retail@bluebell-railway.com
Phone: 01825 720803

Filming enquiries

Email: chris.knibbs@bluebell-railway.com

Weddings and charters

Email: functions@bluebell-railway.com

Ashes ceremony

Find out more

Education and school trips

Email: education@bluebell-railway.com

Bluebell Railway Preservation Society membership

Email: membership@bluebell-railway.com


Email: volunteer.coordinator@bluebell-railway.com

Press and marketing enquiries

Email: pr@bluebell-railway.com

Corporate events and meetings

Email: bizevents@bluebell-railway.com

Rail training venue enquiries

Email: training@bluebell-railway.com

What’s New/Blog and picture submissions

Email: blog@bluebell-railway.com

Bluebell News Magazine

Email: colintyson351@hotmail.com
Phone: 07943 021585

Data Protection

Email: data.protection@bluebell-railway.com

Children’s clubs

The Stepney Club (for children up to 8 years):
Email: stepney@bluebell-railway.com
Gerry Smith, White Cottage, 78 Limpsfield Road, Sanderstead, South Croydon, CR2 9EB

9F Club (for 9 to 15 year olds):
Email: bluebell9fmembership@hotmail.co.uk
9F Club Membership Secretary, 60 The Fieldings, Southwater, Horsham, West Sussex, RH13 9LZ


Bluebell depts, fundraising groups and affiliated societies

73082 Camelot Locomotive Society

Visit website
Peter Gibbs, 13 Clarendon Road, High Wycombe, Bucks., HP13 7AW

80064 Locomotive Fund

Send email
Martin Nichols, 6 Saunders Copse, Mayford, Woking, Surrey, GU22 0NS

80100/84030 Fund

Tony Sullivan, c/o Sheffield Park Station, East Sussex, TN22 3QL

Bluebell Battle of Britain Loco Group

Visit website
Roger Cruse, 21 St Stephen’s Road, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW3 2BH

Bluebell Railway Atlantic Group

David Jones, (Atlantic Project Treasurer) 3 Nutley Mill Road, Pevensey, East Sussex, BN24 5PD

Bluebell Railway Band

Visit EGCB website

The Bluebell Railway Trust

Email: funding@bluebell-railway.com
Vernon Blackburn, Chairman and Administrative Governor, Sheffield Park Station, TN22 3QL

Brighton Directors’ Saloon Fund

c/o Bluebell Railway, Sheffield Park Station, East Sussex, TN22 3QL

Bulleid Society

Send email
John Fry, Chairman of the Bulleid Society, Highclere, 28 Houndean Rise, Lewes, Sussex, BN7 1EQ

9F Club

Send email
Martin Widdowson c/o Bluebell Railway, Sheffield Park Station, East Sussex, TN22 3QL

Fenchurch Fund (now raising funds for SECR No.27)

Send email
Clive Emsley, Millfield, Manor Road, Upper Beeding, Steyning, West Sussex, BN44 3TJ

Football Competition in aid of Maunsell Restaurant Car Fund

Send email
Deborah Carver, c/o C&W Dept, Horsted Keynes Station, Nr. Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH17 7BB

Friends of Kingscote

Kingscote Station, Vowels Lane, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 4LD

Horsted Keynes Pullman Car Group

Derrick Warner, 31 Otford Close, Broadfield, Crawley, West Sussex, RH11 9RE

Horsted Keynes Station Fund

c/o Horsted Keynes station, Nr. Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH17 7BB

Howlden Trust (The E.F.Howlden Charitable Trust)

(owners of the GNR Directors’ Saloon)
Chairman: Graham Ward, Secretary: Anthony Hayllar, Treasurer: Richard Salmon
Email: richard.salmon@bluebell-railway.com
For hire of the Saloon: please request via the Sales and Information office at Sheffield Park

Land Purchase Fund

Visit website
Treasurer, BRPS, c/o Sheffield Park Station

Maunsell Locomotive Society

Visit website
Send email
Steve Pilcher, 312 Riverside Mansions, Milk Yard, Wapping, London, E1W 3TA

Maunsell Restaurant Car Fund (Maunsell 7864 Group)

Send email
Deborah Carver, c/o C&W Dept, Horsted Keynes Station, Nr. Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH17 7BB